Hey Friends,
Here’s your periodic update for all things QBeeQ,
Report Manager
Empower your viewers to do more on their own!
The powerful new PDF report export manager now includes more advanced customization and design options;
Page breaks to make report design easier
Customise Report Header
Include FIlter Scope
Include Data Source Name
Data as of date
More design options soon to come
All these design options are also available in the QBeeQ Self-Service Dashboard plugin's export mechanism.
The new CSDK chart Tooltip
Using this new enhancement, one can create a powerful tooltip in CSDK apps which includes an embedded chart. This way one may embed a much broader picture of the data and basically tell more with less.
This is one of our first Compose SDK enhancements with many more to come so, if you think you or your customer can benefit from this, or if you have additional requirements for CSDK, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Filter Bookmarks localization
Filter Bookmarks plugin now supports localization for all languages supported by Sisense. Additional languages can be added on demand. We’re planning on supporting localization for additional plugins of ours soon, so stay tuned.
The languages include:
Chinese (Simple)
French (France)
Portuguese (BR)
Spanish (ES)
Spanish (LA)
QBeeQ PowerUps
Don’t forget to check out our PowerUps:
⚡ Maps
Subscribe to any PowerUp to gain access to all future releases in that group. Get in touch to learn more!
We have many more amazing plugins coming very soon, stay tuned!
Unleash the full power of Sisense Get in touch today (or simply reply to this email)
Contact info@qbeeq.io for questions and additional custom options
See the QBeeQ Marketplace