Floor Plan Map
Bring your physical floor plan assets to life with this powerful geospatial intelligence map for Sisense
The powerful QBeeQ Floor Plan Map plugin allows you to visually draw out a physical floor plan on a Sisense widget and plot data on top. This tool allows you to display meaningful insights related to physical floor plan layouts of indoor or outdoor locations. The data can be conditionally formatted to match your data needs using the native Sisense colour mechanisms. This brings your floor plan management and analytics capabilities light years ahead; from static blueprint reports to dynamic insight monitoring of many measures at once.

Both spaces or assets or both, can be represented in your data.
Spaces are areas which have meaningful analytical requirements such as complete office floors, meeting rooms, airport terminals/gates, stadium sections, etc. while assets are points of locations which may be chairs, desks, IoT devices, cameras, concert seats, tree locations etc.
Use this beautified plugin to plot and analyse among others:
Meeting Room occupancy
Office Building oxygen levels
Warehouse Inventory Management
Construction site management
Airport terminal/gate monitoring
Shopping Mall buyer movement
Stadium ticket sales
IoT device monitoring
Wifi Network reception
Much Much more!

QBeeQ’s Advanced Floor Plan allows you to dynamically pick a floor plan from an enormous library, and not just one at a time such as with other simplified tools.
No more handling many bulky PDF files which tend to change often! No need to manually draw shapes on clunky out-dated SVG maps!
The floor plans are managed behind the scenes using a powerful floor plan asset management tool which allows the designer to easily modify, add or remove features, spaces or assets to the floor plans and these changes will take into effect immediately.
Advanced features and capabilities:
Click to filter any space or asset
Jump-to-Dashboard from any space or asset
Advanced tooltip which allows you to plot much more information than just what is shown
Measurement tools
Re-align to centre
Dynamically switch between many different properties, use cases and floor plans using a filter
Measure Switcher
Plot spaces or assets or both in a single map
Add any type of asset such as chairs, tables, IoT devices, cameras, plants, seats, lights and more!
Show multiple floors of a single building or multiple properties in a single view